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Thorsten Schmitt
Corporate Communications & Investor Relations

+49 5961 502-215 pr@berentzen.de You can find all contacts here arrow

Press releases

Berentzen-Gruppe Aktiengesellschaft hosts its first virtual Investors Day – Executive Board explains the company’s future strategic direction

Haselünne, October 7, 2021 – Berentzen-Gruppe Aktiengesellschaft has held its first virtual Investors Day. During the one-on-one meetings, Oliver Schwegmann and Ralf Brühöfner, the two members of Berentzen-Gruppe Aktiengesellschaft’s Executive Board, talked to shareholders and potential new investors about the Berentzen Group’s current business performance and strategic course for the future.

“Our first virtual Investors Day was a complete success”, say Oliver Schwegmann and Ralf Brühöfner. All of the available meeting slots booked up shortly after the event was announced. “We are delighted to see so many people showing such great interest in the Berentzen Group. We enjoyed many inspiring, constructive conversations”, the Executive Board members continued. Owing to high demand and in order to further step up dialogue with investors, the Berentzen Group has now decided to hold a virtual Investors Day each year. “Of course, both we as members of the Executive Board and our Investor Relations team are also looking forward to talking to our shareholders and potential investors at regular intervals outside of these events”, they said.

The presentation from the first virtual Investors day together with detailed information about the company’s future strategy is publicly available at:


Further information on investor relations at the Berentzen Group is available at


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