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Karina Ginten
Vocational training and internship

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Berentzen Gruppe Career


3 questions for ... Katharina van Helden

On her first 'official' working day, Katharina was introduced as the 'new colleague'. The reaction: "Why new? We already know each other!" In fact, Katharina had worked here as a working student for half a year before taking on the position of communications and marketing consultant after completing her master thesis. In our series "3 questions for ..." she gives us insights into her work.

Some already know you from your time as a working student in corporate communication, now you are in Haselünne every day. How was your time as a working student?
I worked as a student in corporate communications for seven months. That was a perfect fit for my daily studies: I was here twice a week, the rest of the time I spent writing my master thesis - not only, of course, as a student you have an astonishing amount of time, as I find out afterwards!
The main reason I enjoyed working at the Berentzen Group was because I always had to deal with new topics. So I got to know a lot of colleagues in a short time. In addition, I was allowed to take on very different tasks, which was a good diversifikation from the master thesis.

What is your everyday work like now?
My tasks are very different. This is also because I work 50 percent of my time for corporate communication and 50 percent for marketing. My current plan is to share my day - half corporate communication and half marketing. Admittedly this is an experiment, I am excited to see how separable the times really are and what everyday life looks like with two bosses!

You are not from the Emsland. How close are you to your home?
I come from the Lower Rhine. Together with my school friends, we celebrate e. g. carnival or dance into May. Accordingly, they advocated that I should start working at the Berentzen Group - I have already received numerous orders for Berentzen belts. I also like to drive home for the weekends.
Nevertheless, I feel good in the Emsland! A few study freinds have also stayed, I see my sports team at least twice a week and my roommates often cook for me.

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